Intelligent Street lighting Control Management System using PLC & LoRA Solution May 27, 2021

Shenzhen outer ring expressway

The 1st, 2nd phases are total 92.86km, 6 lanes expressway Standard. The intelligent lighting control & management part of the project adopts our equipment and solutions, simplify operations and management, improve maintenance timeliness, on-demand lighting, energy saving and emission reduction.

tunnel Lighting:

1. automatic dimming according to natural light Intensity, perfect solution for the black & white tunnel Effects.

2. linked with the vehicle detection Sensor: when a vehicle passes, it is automatically dimming according to the natural light intensity.

3. when there is no vehicle passes, it returns to a safe illuminance.

highway Lighting:

1. automatically turn on & off the lamp according to the sunset and Sunrise.

2. automatically dimming according to the set scene Timing.

3. automatic dimming according to natural light Intensity, automatic turn on and emergency lighting in abnormal weather (such as heavy cloudy Weather, heavy Rain, etc.).

With the help of Shenzhen outer ring expressway Platform, the system integrates lamp control Module, expert analysis Module, energy consumption monitoring Module, emergency Module, fully demonstrates the advanced technology and scheme of the system, and helps the outer ring expressway management team to lay the foundation for the development and popularization of intelligent street Lighting.

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